For Media Owners / Trade Desk

Resource Managing Bids

Once a bid has been placed, it is your responsibility as the media owner to manage it. You can either:

  • Accept a bid
  • Reject a bid
  • Book out the slot

When a brand has placed a bid on your inventory, you will receive an email notifying you. There will also be a notification in the Account section on our platform. In order to see your bids, you will need to go to the Trade Desk on our platform.

You'll be able to see all of the details of each bid within a table. This shows:

  • Date and time of broadcast
  • Programme, Season and Episode
  • Break Type and Position in Break
  • Slot Size (s)
  • Brand
  • Campaign
  • Price

At the end of each line, there is a button which says 'View' where you can manage the bid.

To accept a bid:

  • Go to the relevant bid and inline select 'View'
  • Click on the box of the outstanding bid which shoes the brand, campaign and price
  • Review the bid in full, including all of the brand's campaign details. This is important as you may need to reject a bid if it hasn't met all of your criteria
  • Click the 'Confirm Bid' button
  • Our system will now send a notification to the brand to tell them their bid has been accepted
  • The bid will now disappear from the list in the Trade Desk
  • Continue this process for any relevant bids

To reject a bid:

  • Go to the relevant bid and inline select 'View'
  • Click on the box of the outstanding bid which shoes the brand, campaign and price
  • Review the bid in full, including all of the brand's campaign details. This is important as you may need to reject a bid if it hasn't met all of your criteria
  • Underneath the 'Confirm Bid' area, there is an option to decline, along with providing a reason
  • Please select a reason from the drop down list of why you are rejecting a bid
  • Click the 'Decline Bid' button
  • Our system will now send a notification to the brand to tell them their bid has been rejected
  • The bid will now disappear from the list in the Trade Desk
  • Continue this process for any relevant bids

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